
Student Travel Business Barometer

In the 2021 Business Barometer, student tour operators expected a gradual market recovery and anticipated reaching 43% of pre-COVID 19 levels in 2022 and 63% in 2023. The majority of stakeholder anticipated a full return to 2019 levels in 2024. Today, SYTA members are sharing anecdotally that they anticipate reaching 2019 levels in 2022 with a booking pace for 2023 that might be greater than 2019.


While some are reporting record numbers, others are cautiously optimistic. Talking with members gives you a sense of what is happening in the industry, but we need real market data to forecast, to support our assumptions and to the show long term impact of the pandemic on our industry.


SYTA will ask tour operators to participate in the 2022 Business Barometer to show year-over-year trends and market recovery. SYTA’s Student Travel Business Barometer is the only research survey that focuses solely on the student travel market on a global basis.


At our Conference in August, we’ll be meeting with members who are making advances in their own data collection so that we can learn from their best practices, making data collection from all of our members easier and more efficient.


If you’d like to work with us and are interested in meeting, please contact me at Carylann Assante, CAE at [email protected]. I will be working with Ivana Slobodnikova, Bonnard, [email protected] and Cathleen Johnson, [email protected] to schedule appointments and meet with key stakeholders. I look forward to seeing you in August.