Key Messaging for SYTA

  • SYTA is the non-profit, professional trade association that promotes student and youth travel worldwide. Our Members are companies that work with teachers and educators to provide safe educational travel for students.
  • SYTA is acknowledged as the authority on student and youth travel. Its members are recognized for providing the highest quality and safest educational experiences for student and youth travelers. Membership in SYTA is essential for student travel professionals and provides a measurable return on investment of time and resources.
  • Travel is an education in itself for young people, giving them the opportunity to travel outside of one’s own neighborhood, school, city or country, which can be a powerful educational experience both for the traveler and people whose lives are touched by the traveler.
  • The experience of travel outside one’s own immediate environment can expand a young person’s understanding of people who differ from them and increase empathy for others.
  • SYTA is motivated by the potential of the “multiplier factor” of positive change that travel can inspire in young people who travel, and all the generations they will affect in the future.


Key Messaging for SYF

  • The SYTA Youth Foundation is the 501(c)(3) philanthropic organization of the Student & Youth Travel Association (SYTA).
  • Together, we believe that student travel opens doors far beyond the walls of a classroom, and to that end, the Foundation connects youth with the resources required for travel experiences that will expand their knowledge of the world.
  • To journey outside one’s environment is an experience not every child has. The SYTA Youth Foundation provides the resources needed for children to experience the transformative effect of travel.
  • SYTA’s research shows that experiential travel – whether local, domestic or international – can produce impactful results to help young people increase self-confidence, independence and education about new and different cultures.
  • The impact of travel gives young people the opportunity to write their own story. Travel helps students develop a better understanding of themselves and the world around them.


Key Messaging for Teach & Travel

  • Teach & Travel is the most comprehensive resource center for educators who plan, authorize and implement group student travel.
  • Teach &Travel is dedicated to helping educators understand the issues, trends and insights into the social and educational benefits of student travel throughout the world.
  • The Teach & Travel website,, provides information and tools to make the process of organizing student trips easy, convenient and safe.
  • Teach & Travel directs teachers to specialist student tour operators who help mitigate risk in travel planning.
  • Teach & Travel is sponsored by Student Youth Travel Association ( SYTA), whose mission is to provide life enhancing travel experiences for students and establish quality and safety standards for travel providers.


Key Messaging for SYTA’s Health & Safety Commitment

  • SYTA has a fundamental responsibility and commitment to provide the highest standards of safety for providers of student travel to ensure that every young traveler enjoys the safest travel experience possible
  • SYTA has created the Center for Student Travel Safety to establish global health and safety standards, create and administer certification programs in safety protocols for companies and individuals and provide educational resources for its members
  • SYTA’s certification programs will provide confidence that its members’ programs are insured, that the providers are vetted professionals and trained in thorough safety protocols.


Key Messaging for SYTA Student Travel Research

  • SYTA is the definitive source for data and information on the size, performance and trends in the student group travel industry.
  • The Student Travel Business Barometer is the only comprehensive quantitative study of year-on-year growth and forecast data for national and international tour operators who serve student and youth travelers
  • Student & Youth Travel Digest is the only report produced in the travel industry that provides quantitative evidence of the economic, social and educational impact of student and youth travel