Happening this August 8-10, Your Big Year is bringing their expertise of working with 190 countries over the last two decades to New York City with their On Location Global Citizens Challenge. Along with SYTA, this immersive program will allow 200 youth in NYC to interact with leaders from the travel and tourism industry and develop career-ready skills that will set them apart. At the end of each day, the youth will dive into the heart of NYC culture, exploring local traditions and landmarks.
On August 10, we will connect conference goers and a small group of participating youth to network face-to-face. We are looking for SYTA members to join this networking session and will open this opportunity up very soon for members to register. It is set up as a true-speed networking experience with each networking slot being 15 minutes.
Check last year’s program in Winnipeg to have an idea of how it runs:
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“Creating these necessary, accessible experiences for youth to be more involved in their world around them and pave their own way, is truly a remarkable opportunity.”
Urooba Ahmed, Winnipeg, Canada (2023 edition)
“Thank you so much for hosting this and allowing me to be in your space. People of my color do not get many opportunities. So to do this for me was amazing. The experience was one of a kind”
Erin Gill-Wilson, Washington, D.C. (2022 edition)