​Registration for the 2024 SYTA Annual Conference is closed. 

An International Affiliate Tour Operator/Buyer is any business entity that conducts or arranges student or youth travel. This includes tour operators, group travel planners and travel agencies who want to meet with suppliers/sellers of student and youth products and services.

A Supplier/Seller is any business entity that sells products or services or receives student groups to their destination. This includes receptive tour operators who provide tourism products to tour operators in other markets as a business-to-business relationship; they sell to tour operators that send student groups to their destination


  SYTA Member
  Join or Renew SYTA Membership for $295

Tour Operator/Buyers Taking Appointments*
This includes one appointment book for your company and one attendee registration. For each appointment book your company takes, you will get an attendee registration free. (Additional Tour Operator attendees from the same company may register at the $670 rate.)

Tour Operator/Buyers Attendee Registration
An additional tour operator/buyer attendee. This person may share the appointment book of the company or not take appointments.
Tour Operator/Buyers NOT Taking Appointments $670
Supplier/Seller Taking Appointments (1 book) $1,725
Supplier/Seller Rotating/Sharing Appointments $1,520
Supplier/Seller NOT Taking Appointments $1,520

Taking Appointments: Include one book of appointments with tour operators/buyers.  Only one appointment taking registration per member company.

Sharing Appointments: An additional supplier sharing the one book of appointments.

Not Taking Appointments: Includes access to annual meeting, general sessions and networking. Does not include access to business appointments.



First Time Tour Operators and International Tour Operators may be eligible for a special rate or scholarship. Contact [email protected] for more information. 

*Membership Policy

SYTA Membership must be current through August 31, 2023 to receive member rate. Membership dues must be paid in full prior to August 1, 2023. If membership dues are not paid by August 1, 2023, registration rate may change to the non-member registration rate.



International Affiliates are student Tour Operators or Suppliers, with offices outside the United States.

2024 Dues: $295 | Join Today!


If your SYTA membership renewal is due prior to August 31, 2023, then membership must be current and paid in full prior to August 31 to receive member rate. The member rate will be applied during the registration process. If membership is not paid at the time of the conference, attendees will receive an invoice for the difference between the member and non-member conference rate.

Full registration payment for appointment taking attendees must be received by Friday, July 12, 2024, or their appointment book will be cancelled.

Full registration payment for non-appointment taking attendees must be received by Friday, August 2, 2024, or their registration will be cancelled.

Registration staff will not be able to print your personal appointment schedules or other materials on site.   

Registration cancellations must be received in writing to [email protected] by Friday, June 21, 2024, to receive a refund. Future credits will not be issued.

Registration substitutions must be received in writing to [email protected] by Friday, August 2, 2024.

No-shows or cancellations will not receive a refund or future credit after Friday, June 21, 2024. Appointments will not be rescheduled via phone or video call.

In accordance with SYTA’s member data policies, attendees will not receive a registration list with full contact details. You can locate a buyer or seller’s contact information in the appointment portal but will not have an option to download a master list.

Most tour operators/buyers receive full appointment books, aside from their scheduled breaks. Appointment takers are expected to take all appointments to receive the complimentary rate. Appointments are scheduled based on mutual requests first, followed by buyer requests, then seller requests (based on availability).

SYTA Guarantee

There are plenty of opportunities to network at our conference. If you have not had the opportunity to meet with a particular buyer or seller company, let a member of the SYTA leadership, SYTA staff, or Conference Committee know and we’ll assist with arranging a personal introduction, outside of the appointment times. We’re always available to help connect you with other attendees.

Housing Policy

We request that you stay at one of the 2024 SYTA Annual Conference host hotels. SYTA takes a financial risk when securing rooms for the conference. Attendees who stay outside the block will be charged an additional $200 after the conference. If your company has a formal travel policy regarding hotels, please email this information to [email protected]. Local NYC attendees that prefer to commute to our events are exempt from this policy. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to seeing you in NYC.

SYTA is NOT liable for reimbursement of any hotel expenses incurred because of individual or group cancellations or cancellation of the conference by Staff.