Friday, January 24

Consumer Protection Awareness
Redacted IRS Scam Notice 
Presented by Bill Caldwell, Caldwell CPA’s

Thriving in Chaos (Part 1)
Presented by Corinne Hancock, My Powerful Life

Storytelling in Business
Presented by Scott Whitehair, Story Lab Chicago

Travel with Meaning
Presented by Greg Takehara, Tourism Cares

Managing Mis/disinformationComing Soon
Presented by Barbara McCormack, Newseum


Saturday, January 25

Crisis Response Planning
Presented by Michael Bowers, Travel Safety Solutions, LLC

A Story of Resiliency
Presented by Scott Whitehair, Story Lab Chicago and Local Storytellers

Thriving in Chaos Workshop
Presented by Corinne Hancock, My Powerful Life

Telling Your Unique Story
Presented by Scott Whitehair, Story Lab Chicago

Risk Management and Legal Issues for 2020
Presented by Alastair MacMillan-Bell and Ken Whitman, AON Travel Practice & Jeff Ment, The Ment Law Group, LLC

Dr. Michael A. Mazzarisi, President, Performing Arts Consultants

The best part of a SYTA SUMMIT is that it provides the opportunity for travel professionals to meet in a conversable setting without the pressure of a 7 minute meeting or have to deal with the barrage of conference masses. Every tour operator has unique abilities, and since I am a big proponent of partnerships, SUMMIT becomes an ideal network to forge plans for new and exciting joint ventures.

Tara Hippensteel, National Director of Tourism, City Cruises

SYTA Summit provides an unique opportunity to get up close with my SYTA partners and many of our buyers. The environment lends itself to a causal, natural environment – no pressure just building my network!

Kara Mihalevich, President, Adventure Student Travel, LLC

To me, SYTA Summit is the most valuable conference that I attend. I always find the educational seminars very useful and because it is a smaller, more intimate conference, you get to build a much deeper relationship with the sponsors. This is also the only conference that I have ever really had the opportunity to get to know other attendees. I absolutely LOVE SYTA Summit!

Steve Maehl, Global Travel Alliance

It was over ten years ago that I attended my very first SYTA event at the 2009 Summit. I learned a lot, and made new friendships, but what impressed me the most was discovering an organization that desired to come together to collectively improve our industry and continually works together to change young lives for good through travel.