The SYTA Annual Conference is one of the most sought-after opportunities for those who are passionate about promoting, selling, and providing travel experiences for students. This annual conference will bring together travel planners, suppliers and industry partners who engage actionable collaboration that will advance their student and youth travel business. The valued members of our community will come together to discuss where the industry is headed, reevaluate business practices and products to better meet evolving student travel needs, meet one-on-one with clients to discuss future bookings and make meaningful connections during networking events.

SYTA is the definitive source for up-to-date data and information on the student group travel industry to assist our members in achieving data driven strategies for building their businesses. SYTA conducts quantitative research to provide evidence of the size and impact of student travel on a global basis; and qualitative research to measure the social impact of travel on students and youth.

The Center for Student Travel Safety is a non-profit, independent C-3 organization, working in partnership with SYTA to administer and grant SYTA certification programs. SYTA certification programs (CSTO and CSTP) are intended to educate the student and youth travel industry on the administration of safety and risk management standards for student and youth travel. These standards and programs strengthen the industry and provide consumers with ways to understand the products and services they are buying from their student and youth travel providers.

The SYTA Youth Foundation (SYF) is the non-profit 501(c)(3) philanthropic sister organization of SYTA. SYF’s mission is to provide travel experiences for youth and students who would otherwise not have the resources to participate in those enriching and life-changing opportunities.

Teach & Travel provides knowledge, resources and networking to help educators plan student travel safely, efficiently and professionally while promoting the benefit of using STYA member companies.

SYTA is the premier association of businesses dedicated to providing life enhancing travel experiences to students and young people. We instill confidence in our travelers by establishing quality and safety standards for travel providers, and we empower our members through advocacy, education, training and networking opportunities.