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3 Ways to Get Noticed with Your Social Ads

3 Ways to Get Noticed with Your Social Ads

November 9, 2017

How many of you zoom through the ads on TV? Are you as shocked as I am by the number of magazine pages dedicated to ads? Yet research finds that social ads have an immense impact.

Why is that?

Tailored and Targeted

Social ads are more effective than traditional ads at driving clicks, conversions and conversations. Using the advanced targeting options, you have the opportunity to reach only the people who have expressed an interest in your type of content. This means you’re not paying for disinterest!

Immersive and Intriguing

As advertisers and marketers, we can provide experiences for our viewers and involve them in our ads. Creating the travel experience in an ad that inspires a viewer to connect with you and travel is the goal.

Here are some tools to build an immersive experience that draws attention:

  1. Canvas ads in Facebook
  2. Carousel and Slideshow ads in Facebook
  3. YouTube
  4. Promoted pins on Pinterest
  5. Instagram ads
  6. Twitter

Storytelling Sells

Social ads are made more captivating when coupled with a great story. While Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter are ephemeral, their “Stories” and “Moments” options give them a longer shelf-life. Add video into the mix and you’ve got attention-grabbing success.

Creating buzz begins with simple tactics like these, to help you stand out in our noisy social marketing world. Sometimes it’s the underutilized tools that get noticed and generate the most success, because of their simplicity.

Which of these tactics will you use in your next marketing campaign?

Catherine HeegWritten by Catherine Heeg, an international speaker and trainer who focuses on social media marketing strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially.