SYTA is pleased to offer Tour Operator registration for both appointment takers and non-appointment takers. These Business Sessions are where Buyers (that’s you, the Tour Operator) meet with Sellers (Suppliers) to create business relationships.

We encourage you/your company to participate in these Business Sessions and also recommend all attendees attend all events including evening events and education sessions offered.

Buyer is any business entity that conducts or arranges student or youth travel. This includes tour operators, group travel planners and travel agencies who want to meet with suppliers of student and youth products and services.

Appointment Portal
The online SYTA Appointment Portal will open on June 9, 2025 and be available for profile creation, research and appointment requests. All appointment-taking attendees will receive an email when the portal is ready.


SYTA Member
Join or Renew SYTA Membership for $895

Tour Operator/Buyers Taking Appointments* (Per Book)

This includes one appointment book for your company and one attendee registration. For each appointment book your company takes, you will get an attendee registration free. (Additional Tour Operator attendees from the same company may register at the $425 rate.)

Tour Operator/Buyers Attendee Registration
An additional tour operator/buyer attendee. This person may share the appointment book of the company or not take appointments.
Tour Operator/Buyers NOT Taking Appointments $695
Consider joining SYTA! Our membership requirements have changed. Qualify for the Member
Rates listed above.

Tour Operator/Buyer Taking Appointments (Per Book)
Tour Operator/Buyer NOT Taking Appointments $1,275

Appointment Taker: Designated as the primary contact for one book of appointments with suppliers of products and services (hotels, restaurants, destinations, etc.). Each company may have more than one book of appointments.

Important note: A book of appointments consists of 100+ potential appointment slots filled with suppliers. Only those tour operator attendees committed to meet with all their pre-scheduled appointments should register with this rate.

Sharing Appointments: An additional tour operator/buyer may share a book of appointments.

Not Taking Appointments: Includes access to full conference but does not include access to business appointment portal.



*By registering as a Tour Operator/Buyer, you are agreeing to:

  • Each Tour Operator registered to take appointments receives their own book of appointments. One email address may be associated with each appointment book. You may share your book of appointments with a rotating/sharing appointment registrant or a non-appointment taker.
  • You must complete the company profile in the appointment portal prior to appointment requests opening.
  • You must attend all prescheduled appointments and be available at your booth throughout all business sessions on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
  • Tour Operators not meeting these requirements will be invoiced an additional $475 USD.


First Time Tour Operators and International Tour Operators may be eligible for a special rate or scholarship. Contact for more information. 


*Membership Policy

SYTA Membership must be current through August 31, 2025 to receive member rate. Membership dues must be paid in full prior to August 1, 2025. If membership dues are not paid by August 1, 2025, registration rate may change to the non-member registration rate.


Tour operators, receptive tour operators, group travel planners, travel agencies who receive and send students, youth, and school groups domestically and internationally.

2025 Dues: $895 | Join Today!

Terms & ConditionsRefund and Cancellation Policies 

Please be sure you have read the Terms & Conditions as well as the Refund and Cancellation Policies.