

Registration Rates

Supplier/Seller Member Rates:  Early Bird
(Until April 8, 2022)
(After April 8, 2022)
Supplier/Seller Taking Appointments* $1,025 $1,175
Supplier/Seller Rotating/Sharing Appointments $1,020 $1,170
Supplier/Seller NOT Taking Appointments $1,020 $1,170
NEW Supplier/Seller Taking Appointments + Membership $2,020 $2,020
Non-Member Supplier/Seller Rates:
Supplier/Seller Taking Appointments $2,400 $2,500
Supplier/Seller Rotating/Sharing Appointments $2,400 $2,500
Supplier/Seller NOT Taking Appointments $2,400 $2,500

Taking Appointments: Include one book of appointments with tour operators/buyers.  Only one appointment taking registration per member company.

Rotating/Sharing Appointments: An additional supplier sharing the one book of appointments.

Not Taking Appointments: Includes access to annual meeting, general sessions and networking. Does not include access to business appointments.

*Membership Policy

SYTA Membership must be current through August 31, 2022 to receive member rate. Membership dues must be paid in full prior to August 1, 2022. If membership dues are not paid by August 1, 2022, registration rate may change to the non-member registration rate.

Cancellation/Refund/Substitution Policy

In the event SYTA must cancel the conference due to any unforeseen circumstances, SYTA will issue a full refund for paid registrations. SYTA is NOT liable for reimbursement of any expenses (included but not limited to transportation, hotel, food and beverage, incidentals) incurred by 2022 Annual Conference registered attendees as a result of the conference cancellation.

Not a SYTA Member? Join our community!

Suppliers and sellers of products, services, and destinations to student travel industry. May include but are not limited to attractions, hotels, restaurants, transportation, insurance, technology, financial services, destination marketing organizations, convention and visitors’ bureaus, state and provincial marketing organizations, international tourism boards, and receptive operators.

2022 Dues: $995 | Join Today!

Add Tours or Events to Your Registration

You may add additional tours or eventss to your existing registration at any time by:

  1. Click Here
  2. Log in with the following credentials:
    • Email Address (used on your registration)
    • Registrant ID (located on your registration confirmation email). You do not need to enter in your confirmation ID.
  3. Click the ADD OPTION button

If you have any questions, please contact us at 703-610-1263 or [email protected].

Registration Questions

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 703-610-1263
Fax: 703-610-0270

Membership Questions

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 703-610-0250
Fax: 703-610-0270