Business Sessions


SYTA’s Business Sessions are the heart of the Annual Conference. SYTA provides six-minute pre-scheduled appointments, where Buyers and Sellers obtain information and create business relationships.

Your appointment schedule is now available in the online SYTA Appointment Portal

For tips on how to have a successful appointment, we invite you to check out our webinar.

Please note, Seller appointments are consolidated and scheduled over four business sessions. This allows them to attend education sessions and meet with Buyers they didn’t receive an appointment with on the Showcase Floor.

NOTE: All appointments are assigned by an automated algorithm. Therefore, SYTA cannot confirm which sessions will be booked prior to releasing final schedules.
Buyers receive full schedules with appointments throughout all six business sessions.

If you have not had the opportunity to meet with a particular buyer or seller company, let a member of the SYTA leadership, SYTA staff, or mentor/volunteer team know and we’ll assist with arranging a personal introduction for you! We’re always available to help connect you with other attendees.

Appointment Questions? Please contact SYTA Staff at 703-610-1263 or email [email protected]

SYTA’s Business Sessions are where Buyers and Sellers meet to create business relationships. Our Annual Conference provides pre-scheduled, six-minute appointments throughout Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. These quick appointments are designed to act as an in-person introduction that would otherwise take place via phone, email, or webcam communication. Appointment takers can digitally view sales sheets and company profiles prior to conference, so you can have your questions and elevator pitch ready. If further discussion is needed, you’re encouraged to connect at a later time and converse in more detail. We strongly recommend attending all luncheons, evening events, and education sessions as they’re great opportunities to network.

Note: SYTA does not provide DMO/CVB/Receptive Operator Only Sessions. Please plan to attend the entire conference as your appointments may be scheduled among all three days.

Sellers are strongly encouraged to attend all business sessions, luncheons, education sessions, and evening events to meet tour operator attendees.

Appointment Portal 

The online SYTA Appointment Portal will be available for profile creation, research and appointment requests. All appointment-taking attendees will receive an email with Login ID and password information when the portal is ready. To access the appointment portal, click here.

Appointment Scheduling Timeline

Monday, June 19, 2023 Appointment portal opens for company profile creation, research, and requests
Tuesday, July 25, 2023 Appointment Portal closes
Monday, August 7, 2023 Appointment schedules are released

Business Appointment Sessions

Business Appointment Sessions

Saturday, August 19 10:00 AM – 12:12 PM
3:00 PM – 5:12 PM
Sunday, August 20 10:00 AM – 12:12 PM
3:00 PM – 5:12 PM
Monday, August 21 10:00 AM – 12:12 PM
3:00 PM – 5:12 PM

Business Appointment Sessions