SYTA Membership
Active / Tour Operators
Tour operators, receptive tour operators, group travel planners, travel agencies who receive and send students, youth, and school groups domestically and internationally.
2021 Dues: $375 | Join Today!
Associate / Supplier
Suppliers and sellers of products, services, and destinations to student travel industry. May include but are not limited to attractions, hotels, restaurants, transportation, insurance, technology, financial services, destination marketing organizations, convention and visitors bureaus, state and provincial marketing organizations, international tourism boards, and receptive operators.
2021 Dues: $525 | Join Today!
Dual membership applies to companies that meet all the criteria of both an Active and an Associate member. This may be a tour operator that provides customized tours to student groups and also serves as a receptive tour operator for a destination or a transportation company that also provides customized group travel services to its customers.
2021 Dues: $625 | Join Today!
Not sure on membership status? Please email [email protected].