Quick Tips: Writing Student Travel Sponsorship Letters
With e-mailing, texting and social media, writing letters may be a lost art. Yet well-written letters can be a great way to fundraise. Follow these quick tips for drafting custom sponsorship letters to help you and your students raise funds. Share these quick tips with your students, and tailor them for your fundraising needs.
Make it personal.
Share why educational travel is important to you. Have you been studying Spanish for the past three years, and believe a cultural immersion program will help your students gain fluency in the language? Explain what you’re most excited about, or share why you believe the experience will make a positive impact in your life.
Know the audience.
The most effective letters aren’t one-size-fits all. Whether you’re writing to local businesses, community organizations, or friends and family, each letter should be customized to its recipient. Friends and family might not need a lot of information to understand why the trip is a great opportunity for you, but businesses and organizations will want to learn more about you and your background.
Make a connection.
When possible, connect your travel plans to the business, organization or individual. Did a friend or family member have a similar travel experience? Is there a service project or other aspect of your trip that ties into a business or organization?
Share fundraising activities.
Explain what else you’re doing to fundraise for your trip—both personally and as a group. Are you working a part-time job to cover a portion of the cost? Sharing your efforts helps highlight how important this experience is to you, and that you’re willing to work hard for it. It also helps clarify that you’re not looking for a handout—just for a hand.
State your goal.
Share exactly how much money you’re trying to raise—and by when. It also helps to include how much you’re specifically requesting and a breakdown of what the cost covers (transportation, meals, museum fees, bus tours, et cetera).
Make it easy to donate.
Choose a donation method, and make it convenient—such as noting where to mail a check or sharing the web address of your personal donation page.
Make yourself available.
Include your contact information. Let your recipients know that you’re available for any questions, or that you’re happy to discuss the trip in further detail.
Courtesy of SYTA.