5 Safety Considerations for Hotels
Safety is a priority when students are away from home. Hotel selection should be made just as carefully as activities and attractions on the itinerary—with considerations beyond affordability and ambiance. Consider the following to ensure the highest level of safety and security for students.
Night Security
Is night security dedicated to the group? Is contracting with a local security provider allowed? Security officers patrol hotel floors and monitor room entrances, to help protect against any suspicious activities and to ensure your students stay safely inside their rooms.
Room Location
It’s safer and more convenient when rooms are blocked together. Rooms should be in close proximity to chaperones—with connecting doors, if possible. On that note: Student rooms should never connect to rooms of guests outside of the group. Rooms on the second floor or higher are more secure, because they are further removed from hotel entrances and the front desk, which decreases the risk of theft and intrusion.
Interior Corridors
Hotels with interior corridors are safer. Rooms with outdoor access—both main entrances and balconies—increase the risk of intruders.
The Neighborhood
Where is the hotel located? Choose a hotel in an area with relatively low crime rate and nighttime activity.
Motorcoach Access
One part convenience, the other part safety: Does the hotel have motorcoach access? Some hotels have separate entrances for groups. Even if motorcoaches can’t park near the hotel, groups should be able to board and de-board near the entrance.
Courtesy of SYTA.