Broadway’s Educational Resources for Student Groups
Group Sales Box Office at Broadway.com is committed to providing resources beyond Broadway tickets – in fact, we have an entire section of our website dedicated to this very thing! Our Resources Section offers information on Educational Guides, Post-Show Discussions, Student Group Pricing, our Coming Soon Guide, and much more.
For our Educational and Student groups, we have an entire area dedicated to educational guides. Original inspiration for the story, production histories, creative influences, how the show came to life, and lesson plans are just some of the subjects covered in each of these show-specific resources.
Diving deep into a beloved Disney show, re-introducing your favorite novel turned Broadway hit, or providing a modern lens to a classic Greek, each educational guide is unique to the individual show. Created by leading experts in arts education, with direct collaboration from the productions’ creative teams, these educational guides are a free (yet invaluable!) enhancement to your group’s live theatre-going experience.
Click here for the most up-to-date catalog of educational guides, and check back frequently as we are adding new ones all the time!
To order tickets for your groups and learn more about Broadway resources perfect for student groups, call 1-800-BROADWAY x2 today or visit us online at groups.broadway.com.