How are You Teaching 9/11?
Few teachers throughout the country are supported in their efforts to teach students about the events of September 11, 2001. The 9/11 Tribute Museum has made it a priority to collect, reward, and share the creativity and commitment of teachers who have taken the challenge and made tremendous accomplishments in their school through its annual teacher awards.
Each year, the 9/11 Tribute Museum honors teachers who create exemplary educational projects that help students understand the impact of 9/11.
Teachers who engage students in unique projects that focus on historical and humanitarian aspects of 9/11 history—and make the lessons of 9/11 tangible to children too young to remember—are qualified to submit their lesson plans.
Award-winning projects often engage students in researching, discussing, analyzing, and understanding 9/11 and enable students to experience 9/11 as a lesson in civic engagement using language arts, history, civics, visual and media arts, and community service.
Awardees receive a monetary gift for their school and a Certificate of Merit at a formal ceremony held at the 9/11 Tribute Museum on February 26, in tribute to the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. Each gift is donated by a 9/11 family foundation and awards are presented by a Regent of the New York State Education Department.
To learn more and submit a lesson plan, visit 911tributemuseum.org. Applications are due late January.
Photo Courtesy of 9/11 Tribute Museum.