
Virtual Education

SYTA continually provides virtual education aimed at providing useful skills for all SYTA Member companies. Please be sure to check this page on a regular basis for any new sessions that are added. All virtual education sessions count towards education credit for your CSTP so be sure to keep track of your attendance!  If you have any suggestions for future education topics or speakers, please email to Katy Summers at ksummers@syta.org.


SYTA proudly offers virtual education to members, prospective members and educators on topics that influence the student and youth travel community. Click here to see previously recorded virtual education.



SYTA’s Learning Academy

To access over 100 professional development courses, complimentary to SYTA members, please visit SYTA’s Learning Academy. These courses are complimentary to SYTA members, to receive your coupon code, please email center@syta.org. Please share the Learning Academy with your team! All courses count towards your CSTP!

Click here to register. 

Welcome New SYTA Members!

Join us to learn all about member benefits, SYTA staff and meet other new members to SYTA! All members of your staff are welcome to join this webinar.

Click here to register. 

Flying in the Clouds: The Importance of Vision and What You Want Out of Your Tour & Travel Business

In this webinar, we’ll explore the concept of vision and why it’s so important for tour and travel business owners. We’ll discuss how to develop a clear vision for your business, and how to use that vision to make decisions and set goals, all while keeping the importance of building with enterprise value in mind.

Click here to register.