SYTA and SYF Board Nominations Now Open
The nomination period for the SYTA Board of Directors and SYTA Youth Foundation Board of Trustees is now open. Please note, you can only run for one position during the board nomination period. Nominations close May 24, 2017.
SYTA Board of Directors
On the SYTA Board of Directors this year, there are two (2) Active Member positions and one (1) Associate Member position up for election. The term of office is three years, August 2017–August 2020.
The SYTA Vice President position is also open for nominations and must be an active member. The Vice President serves a one-year term and, upon completion of that term, shall automatically succeed to the office of President. Following a year as President, a further year will be served in the position of Immediate Past President. This is a period of three years, August 2017 – August 2020.
SYTA Youth Foundation Board of Trustees
On the SYTA Youth Foundation Board of Trustees, there are (7) Board of Trustee positions open. The term of office is for two years, August 2017- August 2019. Board of Trustee candidates may be nominated from outside the SYTA membership.
The SYTA Youth Foundation Vice Chairman position is also open for nominations and may be either an active or associate member. The Vice Chairman serves a one-year term and, upon completion of that term, shall automatically succeed to the office of Chairman. Following a year as Chairman, a further year will be served in the position of Immediate Past Chairman. This is a period of three years, August 2017 – August 2020.
If you have any questions regarding the nomination process, please contact Lisa Berretta by e-mail at lberretta@syta.org or by phone at 703-610-9034.