
Show Your Support for the RESTART Act
September 23, 2020

Small businesses are undoubtedly essential to our country’s economic and social health. And while the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has provided short-term relief for many, it’s not a permanent solution. […]

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Easy Ways to Practice Mindfulness
September 22, 2020

Mindfulness, as defined by Mayo Clinic, is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation […]

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Let’s Go There!
September 8, 2020

In an effort to accelerate travel’s recovery, the Let’s Go There Coalition—a broad collection of businesses and organizations spanning practically every segment of the American travel industry—have come together to address […]

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Critical Language to Use When Rebounding
August 25, 2020

When a crisis arises, it may feel like you’re being pulled in every direction, trying to manage every little detail while also being tasked with prioritizing which fire to extinguish […]

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Student Travel Business Barometer 2019 Annual Report Released
August 20, 2020

The First International Data Report for the Student Group Travel Industry Provides Key Benchmarks for Recovery Arlington, Virginia: Student & Youth Travel Association (SYTA), the international professional trade association promoting […]

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